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Important information for people from non-EU countries

Please read the following information very carefully. Please kindly conduct correspondence in English or Polish.

1. Course selection – due to the procedures related to obtaining a visa, the decision to choose a course should be made a minimum of 3 months prior to the date of beginning of the selected course type.

2. Course duration and the number of hours – please always pay attention to the duration of the course and the number of hours of classes within a given course.

3. Application form – if you select the course type, please send online a carefully completed application form, required documents and a copy of the bank transfer of the course fee.

4. Certificate/confirmation of enrollment in the course – is issued only after receipt of all documents and the proof of payment of the full amount for the given course. The confirmations are sent by e-mail in the form of a scan or/and by traditional mail. We do not send confirmations by courier.
5. Semester courses, intensive summer courses and One Year Preparatory Course – participation in these courses does not give the status of a student of the University of Wroclaw.
a) Participants of summer courses as part of the fee are guaranteed accommodation in dormitories for the duration of the course.
b) Participants of the One Year Preparatory Course may apply for paid accomodation in the dormitories of the University of Wrocław. In case of vacancies, the requests of the participants of the One Year Preparatory Course are accepted.

6. Payment refund
a) Please read the terms and conditions of reimbursement of the paid fees before you decide to apply for a given course type.
b) The School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners must be notified of the inability of the participant to learn Polish language within a given course at the latest by the start of the course.
c) Formalities related to the return of the course fee may take from 3 to 6 weeks from the date of receipt of a correctly completed  refund form.

d) VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE! Persons who ask for the refund of the paid fee must take into account the fact that the amount paid may be reduced by banking costs twice (at the fee payment to the account of the University of Wrocław and at the refund of the paid fee).

Other important information:

7. Participants should apply for a visa immediately after receipt of the certificate of admission to the given course type sent by the School.

8. The School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners does not send invitations to any type of course, nor does it mediate in obtaining a visa. Anyone interested can apply for a visa on the basis of the confirmation of enrollment in the list of participants of a given course received from the School.

9. Application forms sent 4 weeks before the start of a given course and later will not be considered.

10. Age of course participants – all types of courses offered by the School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners of the University of Wroclaw are addressed to adults (a minimum age of 18 years).

11. In exceptional cases, minors who have already obtained a secondary-school graduation certificate or are in the last grade of secondary school are admitted to courses. In such cases, the completion of a special statement of parents or legal guardians is required. The School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners of the University of Wroclaw reserves the right to individually consider each case related to the participation of a minor.

12. Important, please note: The School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners of the University of Wrocław does not accept requests to transfer the fee paid for a given course to later dates. In case of such a request, the fee is refunded and the person concerned may restart recruitment in the new semester or academic year. Thus, the certificate of admission to a given type of course issued by the School is no longer valid.

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