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Intensive Summer Course 2025

The intensive summer course lasts three weeks and is a great opportunity not only to learn Polish at a given level, but also to help you better understand Poland and Poles.

Course date: July 7, 2025 - July 25, 2025

Education mode: in classrooms

Number of hours: 75 classroom hours (1 classroom hour = 45 minutes) including:

  • 45 hours of basic language classes
  • 30 hours of additional activities (workshops, lectures on Polish culture and history, integration events, joint projects).

Level: from A1 to C1 (depending on the number of candidates at each level)

Time of classes: from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to ca. 16:00. Excursions and accompanying events are also scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays.

Certificates: Please kindly note that the main purpose of the Intensive Summer Course is to learn the Polish language and Polish culture. At the end of the course, each participant receives a certificate of completion of the course, not a certificate confirming the level of language proficiency. For information about state exams see our website: https://www.sjpik.uni.wroc.pl/pl/art/174,77.


Option 1 (full participation):
5700 PLN
– includes language classes, lectures, integration events, journalism workshops, excursions, accommodation and meals (i.e. breakfasts and lunches)

Option 2:
2950 PLN
– includes language classes, lectures, integration evets, journalism workshops; the price does not include excursions, accommodation and meals

Bank account:

- IBAN: PL 20 1090 2503 0000 0001 3225 0563
Account holder: Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Account holder's address: pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław

  • Please provide the course name as well as the name and surname of the course participant in the title of the tranfer,
    and make sure that the University of Wrocław account is credited with the full amount of the course fee (after bank fees).
  • Please kindly send the proof of payment of the course fee to the School's e-mail adress: sjpkc@uwr.edu.pl
  • The fee for the course should be paid by June 13, 2025
  • Refunds: https://www.sjpik.uni.wroc.pl/en/c/30/272

Sign up (by June 13, 2025)Application form

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