Dąbrowska Anna, Burzyńska-Kamieniecka Anna, Dobesz Urszula, Pasieka Małgorzata. Z Wrocławiem w tle. Zadania testowe z języka polskiego dla cudzoziemców. Poziom podstawowy, średni i zaawansowany, Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe ATUT, Wrocław 2005.
Author: Anna Dąbrowska, Anna Burzyńska-Kamieniecka, Urszula Dobesz, Małgorzata Pasieka |
Publication date: 2005
The book is addressed first of all to foreigners intending to take the state examination in Polish as a foreign language in the future. Examination requirements standards and language competence descriptions for all levels (see: www.buwiwm.edu.pl/certyfikacja) are a basis for the content of this book. People preparing themselves for the state examination can find in this book typical examples of tasks testing all language skills but also they will find information introducing them one the largest and most beautiful Polish towns.