Burzyńska Anna. Jakże rad bym się nauczył polskiej mowy... O glottodydaktycznych aspektach relacji język a kultura w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2002.
Author: Anna B. Burzyńska |
Publication date: 2002
The author proves that the issue of a mutual relation - language and culture - (interested for etnolinguists, culture experts, philosophers and anthropologists) remains one of crucial problems related to teaching Polish as a foreign language. Moreover it is not possible to learn in-depth Polish without taking into consideration various elements of culture expressed in this language.
The book answers the question what language elements responsible for transferring cultural content (or depending upon the culture) should be taken into consideration in teaching Polish as a foreign language. The author analyses contribution of culturally vital language elements in old (XVI - XVIII centuries) and contemporary Polish course books for foreigners.