Pasieka Małgorzata, Klingborn Susanne. Polsko-niemiecki tandem językowy. Wskazówki i zadania dla początkujących, Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe ATUT, Wrocław 2005.
Both parts of this book - theoretical and practical - have been prepared in two language versions, i.e. Polish and German. Tasks are addressed first of all to beginners although advanced learners may also treat them in a creative way. Discussed topics basically refer to areas characteristic for this teaching level.
Pasieka Małgorzata, Krajewski Grzegorz, Klingborn Susanne. Tandem językowy. Teoria i praktyka na przykładzie polsko-niemiecki., Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2003.
The book consists of two parts: theoretical (describing the history and the most important theoretical assumptions of language tandem learning) and practical (selection of tandem language tasks for Polish-German groups). It is the first book in Poland dealing with problems related to language tandem learning.
Pasieka Małgorzata. Język polski dla cudzoziemców. Ćwiczenia dla początkujących, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2001.
The book is a collection of grammatical exercises mainly for beginners. Grammatical and lexical problems were selected in accordance with both the programme prepared in Kraków under the supervision of professor Władysław Miodunka and the most frequently used course books for learning Polish as a foreign language on this particular level.