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NAWA Summer Course 2023

For whom? The summer course is addressed to students of foreign universities and scientists who are foreigners or have dual citizenship (Polish and citizenship of another country), for whom Polish is not the first language, who do not study, are not employed and do not live in Poland and who speak Polish or English at the level of minimum B1.

Course date: July 9, 2023 - July 29, 2023

Education mode: in classrooms

Program: 75 classroom hours (1 classroom hour = 45 minutes) including:

  • 45 hours of basic language classes
  • 30 hours of additional activities (workshops, lectures on Polish culture and history, integration events, joint projects).

The program of the course includes trips combining leisure with exploring the attractions of the city and the region, competitions, cultural outings, etc.

Three weeks spent in Wrocław will give you the opportunity not only to learn the language, but they will also help you better understand Poland and Poles.

We provide accommodation in a student dormitory close to the city center (module: 2 double rooms + bathroom), good food, appropriate conditions for learning, an interesting program, and above all - a nice and friendly atmosphere during the course.

Fees: Participation in the course and in all related activities is free of charge for NAWA scholarship holders. The costs of travel, insurance and personal expenses are covered by the students themselves.

Recruitment: open until May 12, 2023

After the formal and substantive assessment, scholarship holders will receive confirmation of admission to the course by e-mail.

Priority in admission to the course is given to:

  1. students and scientists who want to get to know Poland better or associate their academic / professional career with Poland (e.g. students of Polish philology, Polish studies, Slavic studies or future Polish language teachers);
  2. persons from countries indicated in the Poland My First Choice NAWA program (for detailed information see: https://nawa.gov.pl/images/Kursy-letnie/2022/Akredytacje/Zalacznik-nr-13-do-Ogloszenia-w-programie-Letnie-kursy-NAWA-2023---Lista-krajow-preferowanych.pdf);
  3. students who have not learned Polish before, but are interested in Poland and its culture and establishing contacts with Poles;
  4. persons who have not benefited from this form of support from the Polish State (applies to stationary summer and winter Polish language and culture courses funded by NAWA).

Information on detailed recruitment requirements can be found here: https://nawa.gov.pl/images/AKREDYTACJE/Zalacznik-nr-3-do-Regulaminu-akredytacyjnego-2023---Szczegolowy-opis-Letniego-kursu-NAWA-dla-studentow.pdf

Registration: formularz zgłoszeniowy

Contact for registration: sjpkc.kursy@uwr.edu.pl

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